Heat Effects Are Unique: Mortality Risk Depends on Heat Wave, Community Characteristics (1 page, Environ Health Perspect., Feb.1, 2011)
Also discussed here: Heat Waves, Climate Change and Urban Mortality (Pollution Free Cities, Jul. 30, 2010)

Key Quotes:
“The investigators estimated a 3.74% increase in average daily risk of nonaccidental death during the heat waves compared with non–heat wave days”
“effects of heat waves on mortality were greater in the Midwest and greatest of all in the Northeast.. Southern residents being perhaps more physiologically and behaviorally adapted to extreme temperatures”
“important for officials to develop local response plans on the basis of heat-wave mortality trends in their own communities”
Related articles
- Risk of Dying from Heat Waves in US Cities (pollutionfree.wordpress.com)
- Some heat waves can be more harmful than others, study says. (climatecentral.org)
- Heat wave deaths highest in early summer (eurekalert.org)
- Soil responsible for heat waves (physorg.com)
- Gradual Trends and Extreme Events (krugman.blogs.nytimes.com)
- Climate Clippings - Heat waves, identity politics, and a green starter palace. (wwwp.dailyclimate.org)
- The 7 Most Miserable Heat Waves in Modern History [Heat Wave] (io9.com)
- Climate change is bad for your health (sfgate.com)
- Summer Heat and Type 2 Diabetes (everydayhealth.com)
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