The paper reviewed today is the result of development of satellite mapping of air pollutants carried out by A-MAPS Environmental as reported at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society Mapping Small Scale Air Pollution Distribution using Satellite Observations an a Large Canadian City and extensions to the mapping to incorporate health impacts of traffic by Risk Sciences International based on the Air Quality Benefit Assessment Tool, using concentration response functions developed by Health Canada in 2006, as described in AQBAT - Estimating Health Impacts for Changes in Canada’s Air Quality
This work was supported by funding from GeoConnections Program of Natural Resources Canada and the European Space Agency

or see Ottawa Air Quality Information System-slideshow (10 page pdf)
Key Quotes
“This air quality information system is capable of displaying concentrations of NO2, NO, O3, PM2.5 and CO on an hourly basis for the 5,600 km2 area of the National Capital Region.”“a graphical user interface was developed, enabling analyses of the data in terms of standard statistical and custom designed functions such as averaging, max, min, standard deviation, percentiles and critical pollutant level exceedances.“
“The Traffic Health Impact module is a user friendly software application capable of providing pollution consequences on population health (morbidity, mortality, hospitalisation, health cost“
“Highway 417 is closed for three days and traffic is diverted northeast (white arrows). The total health costs of this traffic diversion is then estimated using the health end points module, listing the impacts in terms of premature deaths, illnesses and costs in dollars.“
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