Discussed here: Highway Barriers Stifle Sound, Sight, and Soot (Science Daily, Jan. 5, 2010)
Also discussed here Highway Barriers Stifle Pollution (the earthy report, Jan. 8,2010)

Key Quotes:
“to systematically and comprehensively investigate the role of atmospheric stability in real world conditions on the movement of pollutants near highway barriers”
"the barriers ..reduce high concentrations of pollutants from those vehicles by lifting and channeling them away from the adjoining areas, often a residential area,"
“Researchers were able to conduct tracer studies in unstable, neutral and stable atmospheric conditions in tightly controlled circumstances, to quantify the effects of roadside barriers on pollutant dispersion”
"We also found that the barriers tended to trap pollutants in the area of the roadway itself, especially at night in low wind speed conditions.. The amount of pollutants was much higher on roadway areas flanked by barriers than in areas without them."
“The study did not assess the impact on drivers who are exposed to higher levels of pollutants while driving through these barriers”
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