Sustainable cities must reduce levels of pollution as much as possible to allow them to become healthy places to live and work. That, in turn, means identifying and reducing pollution sources – whether they are hazardous emissions from traffic or the release of toxic liquids into the water supply. This map, derived from a special air quality satellite sensor, shows concentrations of fine particulate matter two years ago (2 p.m. 13 September 2007) with a maximum to the south of Canada’s 4th largest city, Ottawa.

The Content
Almost a year’s worth of articles from the news media and professional journals that explore these issues have been posted to this blog. Almost 8 year’s worth of articles (over 1,000 in total up to 2017) from the news media and professional journals that explore these issues have been posted to this blog. The selection criteria used are personal- any report that seemed worth noting. The selection criteria used are personal- any report that seemed worth noting.
Each article is categorized by type as shown by the Category List. Readers will be able to filter any category of special interest by simply selecting and clicking on that particular category. In doing this, if blog visitors wish to bring attention to another article or comment on what is here, they are most encouraged to do so, as well as to “rate” each article themselves from the choices offered at the top of the page of the post.

The blog author is a veteran Canadian meteorologist with a background in hydrometeorology (the application of meteorology to hydrology and water resources), climate modelling, research and applications, aviation weather forecasting and services, the planning of automated observing networks and, more recently, the impacts of air pollution on health in an urban setting. He has written or coauthored over 30 reports and publications in these fields, the most recent of which is noted under “REPORTS” in this blog concerning the use of imagery from the Aura satellite with a special air pollution sensor (Ozone Measurement Instrument) to map air pollutant concentrations for the National Capital Region.