worldwide air map
Global Annual Average PM2.5 Grids from MODIS and MISR Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD)
Real Time Air Quality Index Visual Map for World
Air Pollution in the World: Real time Air Quality map
Air Pollution in Asia: Real-time Air Quality Index Visual Map
Real-Time Air Quality Index for Beijing and other cities
Shanghai AQ Index (AQI), PM 2.5 (real-time)
Air Pollution in China: Real-time Air Quality Index Visual Map
Know your air for health (This website provides citizens with information on national and local air pollution in Europe. It also offers useful links and references on how to find information about action aimed at improving air quality at the national level and in your local area. The text is particularly intended to meet the needs of those considered susceptible to air pollution.)
United Kingdom(NO2)

City of London, England (Air Text - real time conventional monitors)
London Air Quality Network (Kings College-real time)
Mobile Environmental Sensing Systems Across Grid Environments (real time- street level maps based on small mobile monitors)

UK Emissions Maps (2007)
Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) Air Pollutant Emissions by Facility, Canada, 2008

Hourly AQI (combined PM2.5 and O3) for Eastern Canada/US
Milton, Halton Region, Ontario (real time AirPointer Monitor)
Ontario's Air Quality Index Readings (real time)
City of Montreal, Quebec(real time)
City of Hamilton, ON (real time network)
British Columbia Air Quality (real time)
European Cities(real time)
Paris, France (2005)
Denmark (real time)
United States

AirNow Today's AQI Forecast for USA

USA- AIRNow (Air Quality Forecast)
USA-AIRNow Particulate Matter (real time)
Counties with Dangerous Air Quality
CBS News Interactive Eye on Pollution
Air Quality Monitoring Sites GIS (North Carolina real time data)
Air Quality Maps of San Joaquin Valley, California (real time)