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English: A graph of particulate pollution (PM 2.5 vs date) for sensors located in . The particulate pollution shows a seasonal variation. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
The Association Between Air Pollution Exposure and Glucose and Lipids Levels (8 page pdf, Maayan Yitshak Sade, Itai Kloog, Idit F. Liberty, Joel Schwartz, and Victor Novack, J Clin Endocrinol Metab, May 24, 2016)
Also discussed here: Air pollution exposure may raise heart disease risk - Study found exposure linked to poorer blood sugar, cholesterol measures (ScienceDaily, May 24, 2016)
Today we review research into the the side effects of exposure to particulate air pollutants regarding cardiovascular disease(the leading cause of death in the USA), blood glucose levels and cholesterol levels. Results indicate that even a higher exposure to air pollution in the preceding three months leads to higher glucose levels and even a small change in this leads to increased risk of heart attack.
English: A graph of particulate pollution (PM 2.5 vs date) for sensors located in . The particulate pollution shows a seasonal variation.
“Cardiovascular and lipid disorders are the leading cause of death in the United States.. the total cost of cardiovascular disease nationwide was $320.1 billion. The total includes direct costs of treatment as well as indirect costs such as lost productivity.”
“PM exposure is a major issue in countries located in desert areas. In Eastern Asia, the frequent dust events, which originate in the Chinese and Mongolian desert, in combination with the anthropogenic air pollution, have become a major concern for public health. Studies conducted in Asia has linked between dust exposure and asthma episodes, mortality, blood pressure, serumlipids, and glucose”.
“The Negev region (Southern Israel) is located in the global dust belt, which extends from West Africa to the Arabian Desert.PM10 andPM2.5 concentrations in the area can reach extremely high levels”
"While air pollution is linked with relatively small changes in cardiometabolic risk factors, the continuous nature of exposure and the number of people affected gives us cause for concern…Even small changes in glucose levels and glycemic control can contribute to increased risk of cardiovascular disease."
“The study found participants tended to have higher blood sugar levels and a poorer cholesterol profile when they were exposed to higher average levels of air particulates in the preceding three months compared to those exposed to lower levels of air pollutants. Particulate matter exposure was associated with increases in blood glucose, LDL cholesterol levels, and triglycerides, or fats in the blood. Exposure to particulate matter also was linked to lower levels of HDL, or "good," cholesterol.”
“"We found an association between air pollution exposure in the intermediate term and undesirable changes in cholesterol..This suggests that cumulative exposure to air pollution over the course of a lifetime could lead to elevated risk of cardiovascular disease."
“We observed significant increase in glucose, HbA1c, LDL, and triglycerides and decrease in HDL levels, associated with increases of PM average concentrations in the 3 months preceding the test. The associations were more pronounced among patients with diabetes.”
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