Also discussed here: CDC: Vehicle Exhaust Linked to Higher Child Leukemia Near Roads(Downwinders at risk, Mar. 24, 2014)
And here: CDC: Higher cancer risk for kids living near busy roads(Larry Copeland, USA TODAY, Mar. 20, 2014)
Today we review research into what links may exist between exposure to vehicle emissions near busy roads and cancer, given earlier research on residential traffic proximity to asthma, cardiovascular disease and premature mortality. Results indicate a significant link with leukemia, the most common form of childhood cancer and that those children with leukemia were 50% more likely to live near busy roads. This does not establish a clear link between exhaust and childhood leukemia but an association that does suggest that children not be exposed to roadside pollution.

Key Quotes:
“The most common form of childhood cancer is leukemia, representing about one-third of all cancers among children 14 and younger.”
“Current evidence suggests that childhood leukemia is associated with residential traffic exposure during the postnatal period, but not during the prenatal period.”
“an estimated 30%-45% of people in large urban areas live near major roads, suggesting increased exposure to traffic-related air pollution and risk of adverse health outcomes."
“children diagnosed with leukemia were 50% more likely to live near busy roads than children without leukemia,"
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