Today’s review article from Australia found a statistical link between distance from heavy traffic for up to 150 m. away with asthma suffering, serious enough to require a visit to hospital emergency facilities.

Key Quotes:
“Two recent reviews have concluded that there was a consistent association between asthma and reduced lung function and living near highly trafficked roads”
“We examined the spatial relationship between emergency department contacts for asthma at three different buffer sizes: 50 metres, 100 metres and 150 metres.”
“Australia has one of the highest prevalence rates of asthma in the world ..asthma comprised 1.4% of the national total health expenditure”
“road density - a proxy measure for exposure – within the 50- and 100-metre buffers around homes was associated with reduced lung function and increased exhaled NO in children with asthma”
“Our study revealed a statistically significant 24% increase in the risk of experiencing multiple emergency contacts for asthma for every log-unit of traffic exposure.”
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