Today we review a paper that summarizes the growth of Electric Vehicles (EVs) world-wide and the policies used (or those which could be used) in various countries to encourage adoption by the public and weaning off the use of Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs) which produce so much of the pollution and CO2 emissions seen in major cities today. The key ingredients se to be a combination of financial incentives both for development funds and purchase of the new technology and in its use (such as free travel in HOT lanes) and the development of an charging station infrastructure to a level that makes charging less of an (suggested one station per 100,000 residents).

Key Quotes:
“The widespread use of EVs is not only helpful for CO2 emissions reduction in the transport sector, but also conducive to adjusting the energy structure through increasing the proportion of non-fossil fuel energy. Therefore, many countries regard EVs as their strategic emerging industries and set their targets to promote the large-scale adoption of EVs”
“Many countries are ambitious in wanting to achieve more than one million EVs on the road before 2020, according to Table 1. The United States plans to achieve the goal of one million EVs early in 2015. Though China intends to reach only 0.5 million EVs in 2015, it is going to realize the goal of five million EVs by 2020…the EVs on the road will reach nearly 20 million around the world by 2020”
“Although EVs can mitigate air pollution compared to ICE [internal combustion engine] vehicles, it is still difficult for consumers to accept EVs; because they are not willing to pay for social benefits that would not directly benefit themselves in the short time”
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