Today, we review the keynote address to The Sixth Regional EST Forum in Asia,sponsored by the World Health Organization with the Theme: Sustainable Mobility. The author provided highlights of recent research into the health impact associated with air pollution, pointing out the risks of proximity (within 300-500 m) of most urban populations to traffic.

Key Quotes:
*High levels of PM (> 500 μ/m3) known to cause premature death. Studies in US, Europe, elsewhere have found association of PM with mortality at much lower levels (<50μ/m3); No evidence of a “threshold” (safe level)”
“Estimates impact of urban outdoor air pollution worldwide:~795,000 premature deaths per year attributable to PM air pollution in Asian cities”
“• Highest exposures 300-500 meters from major roads - Growing evidence of effects, especially asthma exacerbation in children”
- In Los Angeles, 44% of population live in the maximum zone of impact of major roads
- in Delhi: New HEI Analysis: 55% of the Population within 500 meters of a highway; 50 meters of a major road
- in Beijing: New HEI Analysis: 76% of the Population within 500 meters of a highway; 50 meters of a major road”
- Sufficient evidence that exposure to traffic can cause exacerbation of asthma, especially in children
- Suggestive evidence for other health effects (premature mortality, lung function, respiratory symptoms, and others)
- But only limited evidence of effects for: Adult onset asthma; Health care utilization; COPD; Non-asthmatic allergy; Birth outcomes; Cancers”
“Who is most at risk from premature mortality from PM Exposure?
• Highest effects generally seen among: Older, frail members of society; Those with preexisting heart or lung disease
Highest PM effects for Heart disease (18% - 24% increase in risk per 10 μg/m3PM2.5)”
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