Also discussed here: New Pollution Hotspot Sensor (Sky News video 2 min 20 sec, Jun. 30, 2009)
And here: Mobile Environmental Sensing System Across Grid Environments (MESSAGE web site)
And here: Field deployments of the MESSAGE system for environmental Monitoring (9 page pdf, TEC, Dec. 2009)

Key Quotes:
“A new system that can provide detailed information on air quality in busy cities is being rolled out across the UK.”
“Mobile Environmental Sensing System Across a Grid Environment (MESSAGE).. was developed by researchers at Newcastle University to collect real-time, minute-by-minute, metre-by-metre data on traffic pollutants such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2)”
“The aim of this project was to improve our understanding of how pollution accumulates and disperses in our cities and ultimately to inform new traffic management plans that will improve urban air quality and transform the way we travel.”
“The key to our invention is that the devices are small, low cost and completely wireless, making them rapid and cheap to deploy in large numbers. They scavenge energy through solar power and use wireless communication to transfer data back directly to the end users and in real time.”
“we can see exactly where and when problems are occurring and potentially respond to them immediately – for example automatically adjusting traffic signals to reduce congestion in problem areas.”
“Demonstrated for the first time in Gateshead last year, the sensors are now being commercially produced by a newly formed north-east company called EnviroWatch.”
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