pollutionfree e-book 600+ page pdf file containing the first 358 posts to Pollution Free Cities over 2009-2010. Note Table of Contents in the first few pages which can be used to jump directly to any given post
Ottawa Air Quality Information System by Natividad Urquizo, Daniel Spitzer, William Pugsley and Martha Robinson, submitted to the 44th Annual Congress of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, May 29-June 4, 2010, Ottawa, ON (click on image below to zoom in on poster) or see slide show version HERE
Mapping Small Scale Air Pollution Distribution using Satellite Observations an a Large Canadian City by Natividad Urquizo; D. Spitzer; W. Pugsley and M. Robinson
- presented Jan 12, 2009 at the 11th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry of the annual conference of the American Meteorological Society at Phoenix AZ